This article series gives clear examples just about every possible way to figure out any or all roof dimensions and measurements expressing the roof area, width, length, slope, rise, run, and unit rise in inches per foot.
Roof measurement methods: these articles explain various methods for measuring all roof data: roof slope or pitch, rise, run, area, and other features. In turn number along with a table we provide, or with a simple calculator, it is easy to figure any measurement of a roof: rise, slope, area, pitch etc.Īlthough you do not need to understand Tangents, we include an explanation and examples of how to use the tangent TAN and inverse tangent to TAN -1 find roof slope in degrees, roof rise, run, etc. Simple observations made from the ground can give a good approximation of the roof slope.
How to use a folding rule to measure angles, roof slope, pitch, area and other dimensions: here we show how to use a carpenter's folding ruler to obtain the slope and other dimensions of a roof. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.Ĭarpenter's folding rule for measuring roof slope: InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest.